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Featured Post 30-Minute Cardio Workout with Warm Up - No Equipment at Home | SELF (Part 2)

Featured Post 30-Minute Cardio Workout with Warm Up - No Equipment at Home | SELF (Part 2)

Thank You Reese come back engaging the core standing up all right 30 seconds it up we're gonna move right into squats all right now feet just outside your shoulders again I'm a big fan of deep squats if it ain't deep I don't want it all right so chest up back straight squeeze those glutes up tuck again here we go looks good guys Reese is looking good chest is up calls engage they go hinging at the hips perfect ball it about five seconds left we're gonna move right into jumping lunges next one of myfavorites here we go take it to the side of your mat are we gonna go we got a jump lunge right

 don't forget those arms use those arms to help you with stability right with alcohol arms I find myself a little bit wobbly use everything in your body to help you move through this exercise perfect fall Reese's giving me a modification perfect ten seconds left breathe through it guys you got it three two one we're gonna do London bridges so this is gonna be a coal exercise I'm gonna really work your entire core right on your elbows hitting side to side now you notice that Reese hair is giving me a nice arch almost like a rainbow right keeps it going nice and high and to the side really hitting those oblique muscles we have five seconds left good in three two one guys second so get done we have a 45 second break here - take your time grab some water can't calm your mind down calm the body down by breathing inhales and exhales you've done really well so far we've done one round of three

 so get ready before we go into sucker one first circuit coming up in seven seconds I hope you're ready we're starting off with star jumps we've done this all over before here we go 30 seconds on the clock let's do it sewing it down guys we can treat good welcome to the second round again you've done this all before nice and low squeezing that navel into the spine arms up like I say smile through it you got nine seconds left doing Gary's no you go fast feet coming up in four seconds our favorite here we go now fast feet good it's my home guys they remember modification is just slowing it down by keeping those feet right underneath your hips I know it's been nice and quick Rhys is doing feet a nice chest is up he's focused core is engaged I know those legs are burning 10 seconds left here we go don't hold your breath guys breathe right here Reed right here let's go 5 4 3 2 1 high knees let's slow it down a little bit high knees driving the knees nice and high high there we go breathing through

 modification Thank You Reese nice high watches then you notice again high knees Accord high knees because the knees you're nice and high right hop to that chest bring good guys driving him nice and high up 10 seconds left all right let's keep on going I hear you recess go five seconds three two one riding to power jacks all right there we go ah looks good we've been here before guys you've got it nice and deep hands above the head you're breathing looks good almost halfway here we go halfway point let's go down good guys come on we go Reese and you see again it's the perfect form nice and deep hands above the head looks good let's finish strong three seconds left before you're moving to toe taps here we go how many a little bit there we go outside the shoulders smile right do it guys almost there suck at once almost finished 15 seconds left counting it down with ten seconds to go how we doing Reese good in four three two one there we go birthday it done guys we have 45 seconds on the clock grab some water circa - coming up all right we're all feeling good remember I always say this if it's easy we don't want it right so it will always look for a challenge in your workouts second circuit we've got star jumps from the top good time to stretch also I know my quads are kind of feeling it too I hope the hips looks good we have ten seconds left we for a sec and suck it begins guys all right starting with star jumps get ready here we go in three two one here we go guys okay find your pace right we're not trying to sprint through these we have five movements to do in 30 seconds so find a good pace what works for you so you can get through 30 seconds without having to stop that would be the challenge all right but you have all but ten seconds left here before we do our walk outs here we go five seconds left all right here we go walking outs down the side of your mat crawling out Pro back engaging the core stand up straight and again Abby she's gonna give me a modified version for somebody looking for a bit more Challenge bit of a push up here nice come back engage your core give it one more push ovaries before I get you go back down to our regular oh yeah good good work standing up now right back into regular form good crawl back then come up next move already into squats okay outside the shoulders slightly nice and deep come up squeeze the gluts I can't find your pace but I'll try to rush here we have two more moves after this back straight 

chest up nice tight squeeze but you don't want to forget about our glutes five seconds left right we're gonna move right into jump people lunges here we go on the side of your mat Reath jumping lunges when you're ready perfect in a few seconds Reese is gonna show me a modified version right for anyone that has any type of knee issues or you find it apply a metric move it's too much for you go down and modify modification he's gonna do a reverse lunge there's nice and deep using those arms for stability in ease move looks good we got five seconds I'm gonna show you regular move if we go right into our London bridges which is now to the ground guys here we go on your elbows side to side those hips should touch the ground almost working those obliques looks good modify by just

 holding a plank on your elbows Reese if you could perfect form right here core is engaged nice elongated back his shoulders are right over his elbows doing great we're done perfect you have a rest now you've just completed two rounds we have one more to go so take advantage get your breath back fix some water because I want you to kill it first and final round [Music] I hope you're ready round three is final so I want you to be beasts mode during this one okay we're gonna start with star jumps will you be 10 more seconds to rest and get ready cuz here we go six seconds left guys star jumps they're gonna stop low jump over our heads and land nice and soft studying now let's go let it burn let it burn ten seconds left we move right into phospide get ready in three two one fast feet

 Reese let's do it 30 seconds again modification nice and C easy steps otherwise means giving up nice and quick stick with us 15 seconds again modification Reese do with me as long as your feet I'm moving keep it right underneath yourself in five four three two one moving into high knees good that's good you go driving nice and high remember modification Reese nice much perfect what are you leave nice and high let's get there halfway through ten seconds left because your regular foam now let's do it ten seconds left smile through it go hey finish strong we're gonna be writing in through power jacks guys you wanna start in power Jack out perfect here we go 30 seconds on the clock guys almost done for the first circuit remember nice and deep let's go Reese perfect if you go all about 20 seconds left yeah remember if it's easy we don't want it guys smile through it ten seconds left get

 ready foot laughs and final move which will be toe taps to finish up out for a second in three two one toe touches let's do it guys again find your own pace I just want you to start and not stop this is our last big move to finish the circuit here we go we're halfway through her inning this is running becomes mental here we go ten seconds left five four three seconds left two and one there it is so come on done sucker two to go here we go [Music] [Music] we have all about 20 seconds left before we move right in through the third and final round of the second circuit okay we're gonna start with star jumps in 12 seconds all right against where you get your breath breathe you got eight seconds on the clock Reese are you ready let's get it last and final second let's beast here we go into one star jumps find your own pace guys whatever you need to do to get this done find it within 15 seconds left 10 seconds resets do it here we go we got walkouts next five four three two and one here we go 

standing on the side wall Katz engage that core ease out curl back with those arms engage that core squeeze here we go again guys you're gonna find your pace in this breed now this here is not a plyometric move so you'll find it a little bit easier to get your breath back so take advantage here okay five seconds left here we go right in through squats feet just to have finally outside your shoulders what nice and deep squeeze up here we go I don't know about you Reese my thighs are really burning now but we're almost done guys stick with it nice easy pace more than halfway done guys I've got ten seconds on the clock now let's do it here we go jumping lunges come next with you're a real burner get your breath back now here we go and last jumping lunges here we go good use those arms engage that core Reese by all means please show us some modifications perfect are we doing a front lunge guys again his torso stays nice and straight coming nice and deep knee does not exceed the toe uses his arms possibility looks good let's go pick up six seconds left Reese because he's your modification

 in our regular form last time final we come down to the ground London Bridge is let's hit those obliques thirty seconds go I know it burns guys this is it last and final move alright we got it come on hit that car good Reese we got 10 seconds left man let's go countdown 5 4 3 2 1 done guys here we go buddy round 3 done we want to do a nice little cooldown alright take a second shake those legs out a little all right guys you're gonna feel that the buddy has been completely worked we did a total body workout working our upper body Aloha and our core muscles ok so it's completely normal to feel exhausted all over so it is super important we cool down properly ok so let's do this together this is the easy part the feel-good part so I want your feet nice and wide ok I'm straight out we're gonna bend over hinging at the hip coming alternating hands a foot right here there you go come up completely good stretch I'm gonna keep it nice and chill slow everything down inhale then exhale all the way

 down let's go three seconds left give me one more one more we go moving right into our squat glute stretch okay so plant the right foot down swing the left over it's a bit of a balancing act all right then arms out sit down right and this is what I want you to hold this for 20 seconds at any point you lose disability that's okay you're going to stand out and repeat opposite side plant that left leg swing the right over find your balance arms out and sit down and nice and deep if you can again if you fall out of it that's fine find yourself again and hold for 20 seconds of peace five seconds left here here we go all right standing straight up well done we're going to go a standing quad stretch nice and simple grab that foot hold and feel that stretch right through your quadricep pull back and fill it elongate right here 20 seconds aside all right guys here we go in three two one opposite side grabbing the right or the left using the opposite hand for balance and stretch this leg out here you go 10 seconds to go

 you're gonna move right into a side Bend okay 5 seconds doing great here we go 2 1 all right side Bend so feet outside the shoulders again right arm up and over hold that stretch you find that your lats are stretched out right pulling through the shoulders well tricep feels good and we'll go back also three seconds left then we go standing up up right opposite side again reaching over pulling yourself to the opposite end of the room again a nice easy stretch right through those lats don't forget to breathe look good standing upright that's good crust I'm cross over their shoulder ok but they got right arm right across the shoulder and pull using that left arm right towards your buddy okay nicely pressed with mindful with your breath but cooling down feeling good about our workout three seconds left tippy boy switch arms good nice big swing opposite side again using that right arm to pull your arm in keeping your arm nice and straight they're not Bend this elbow good again 20 seconds each side got ten seconds left good right after this we're gonna stretch into a tricep a tricep

 we're gonna stretch our tricep right after cool here we go swinging up bending the right arm using the left arm and pulling it over okay good can smile through this this is supposed to feel good elongating our muscles is super important since we brought them out and they're nice and tight so you really want to elongate you now stretch and our breathing opposite side after 20 seconds again bending the left using the right to pull right across feeling that stretch right as long as the stretch is working and you're feeling good you're doing good here we go in five seconds left here few more seconds here and then just to finish and complete our cooldown just swing these arms right across the chest let's get this over and done with are you feeling good hey hey hey I'm alternating each side on top breathing through feeling good how you feel Reese feels good I feel good workout complete awesome all right guys I'm Lisa Lewis thank you so much for joining me Reese and I had a killer workout yes and I'm sure you did too if you enjoyed this workout be sure to subscribe to selfs youtube channel so you can stay updated and tune in to all the awesome workouts to come train hard and stay strong.
